Monday, April 30, 2012

Give him 3

Familia y Amigos,

Buenas Tardes! Como estan todos? I can't believe it's almost the end of April. Time is going by way too fast.

Omaha is the coolest place. And my companion, Elder Pese, is the coolest man alive. Really quick, he actually was born in Samoa, lived in Hawaii until he was like 15, and then moved to Kearns, Utah, where he lived before coming on his mission. I am amazed at how much Spanish he already knows. He knows how to translate a lot of the verbs and is learning quick. It makes it easy to teach lessons because I can ask him to teach about something and he can do it pretty well. He doesn't talk super fast but you can feel his heart behind it and it just humbles me a lot. And since my time being here with him, I have felt the Savior's help with my Spanish. I've never understood people or the language so well before. I feel like the Savior is walking right beside me.

Elder Pese and me
And as for right now, we have Elder Terris that is just showing us around the area because we are both new here, don't know anybody, and don't know any of the streets. So, Elder Terris will stay with us for a few more days until we feel somewhat comfortable and then he will go serve out in Lincoln. And where we're staying right now, we share an apartment with 2 other Spanish Elders and it is a BLAST!

Omaha Elders

As for a few great experiences this week:

1. When I first was called to be a trainer I felt so unqualified...and still do. haha But it has helped me to realize the importance of relying on the Savior. I have been touched by Elder Pese several times this week. He has a heart of gold. We went out to lunch to Subway earlier this week and after we finished our food, he asked me: Hey do you want a cookie? And I was like "Sure." Next thing I knew, he came back and had bought me 3 cookies. hahaha I was like what are you doing? haha But it's just little things like this that he does that just helps me know that Jesus Christ truly is by my side and he loves me very much.

2. We saw one of Elder Terris's investigators and had a great visit with her. We were bold with her and asked her if she would be baptized on May 26 and she said yes!! whoot. haha It was way sweet. Elder Pese bore a powerful testimony and things just worked out perfectly in that lesson. so cool. However, the investigator didn't come to church because we couldn't get ahold of her.... so hopefully she comes this next week.

And also here in Omaha, it is a spanish WARD! It is so sweet. The members are awesome and ALL of church is in spanish. I loved it. I was able to understand quite a bit of it and they had a nice welcome for us new missionaries. I'm so pumped to work here. And we have places to play basketball on P-days and we get to go to the temple here too. So, I'm way excited to be here and to serve with Elder Pese. Things are going great.

I hope things are going well for each of you as well. And I hope you remember that God loves you and the Savior is by your side. Have a great week! Love you all. Thanks for your love and support.

Elder Vawdrey

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